- If you book your 2015 Lake Garda holiday accommodation now you stand a much better chance of finding the accommodation to suit your needs. It’s a well known fact that during the lull between Christmas and the new Year celebrations, when many people are off work they take to there computers and check out the best deals. You need to be one of them or you may miss out on finding your perfect accommodation.
Availability of Accommodation
- That leads perfectly on to the next reason….the early bird deal. Many companies try to encourage early bookings by giving out fantastic discounts which you wont find again until the late booking deals come up. But with late deals there is limited availability and you may have to settle for second best. For example if you book an apartment such as Il Giardino you can get a 10% discount if you book 180 days before you departure day. If you contact us now we will give you an extra 5% discount so a massive 15% saving in total.
Early Bird Deal
Garda Holidays has a fantastic selection of quality villas and apartments and they are also offering a 10% early booking discount, which can be over €300 on some properties, so why would you not want to take advantage of that.
If you book hotels via booking.com they always offer the best price guarantee so any prices they offer will have locked in any early bird discounts.
If camping is your thing then Canvas Holidays offer camping holidays in all the best European campsites, and that includes Lake Garda. They also offer some fantastic discounts including: Early Summer sun, Easter Getaway, School Holidays. You can save £’s by taking advantage of these discounts.
- Low cost flights have almost become the norm but by booking early you can always find better deals and make fantastic savings. The closest airports to Lake Garda are Verona and Milan Bergamo, while the other two Milan airports, Malpensa and Linate, are not too far away. Venice airport is a little over two hours away and many people are now combining a Lake Garda holiday with a short stay in Venice.
Cheap Flights
You can find flights from all major UK airports and also some of the smaller ones so getting to Lake Garda has never been easier. With British Airways and Monarch now competing with the likes of Ryanair and Easy Jet on price, and with Air Italia and Lufthansa also in the mix, you are bound to find a fantastic deal. BUT remember that as availability drops so does the price go up……so the earlier you book, the more likely are you to find a great deal.
- How many times have you decided on a date for your family holiday only for your boss to tell you that one of your colleagues has already booked out the dates you require. Then you choose some different dates that are available but your partner can’t have those dates because one of his colleagues has booked them out. The earlier you book your holiday the more likely you are to get the dates that suit you both.
Work holiday Patterns
- Although we would never encourage you to ‘wish your life away’, it is far too short for that, don’t you think that knowing that you have your holiday booked gives you something to look forward to? What with the mania that surrounds the Christmas period and freezing temperatures, having your next holiday already booked makes going back to work so much easier.
Something To Look Forward To
So if you want save money, take your holiday when you want to take it and have somethingo look forward to, don’t delay …..book your 2015 Lake Garda Holiday today!!!
such a nice pales. i think everybody would have like it.
In my heart it’s amazing.